Team-on-Demand is our signature service. It’s simple, really: you give us the keys to the marketing castle and make us hyperaccountable. We, in turn, make your business stand out, leads flow in & products shine.
In our initiation sessions, we explore your company, current customers, sales trajectory & pitch. We do this pragmatically, without the need for long & esoteric consultancy, simply understanding and getting a feel for your business.
Planning is everything. During our planning phase, we set out to work out a 3-6 month plan for your business. This plan spans (re)branding, communication, growth, product & more.
Once we have the plan locked, we start with execution. Gradually refining the plan, jotting down the key learnings and growing the pipeline.
This is a retainer-based service. For a fixed, monthly fee, you get access to: